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Writer's pictureRobin Whitaker

Intuitive Insights for October

I have journeyed to the west and listened to the wind. There was a universal call for each of us to “come to our ground” and to feel the earth beneath our feet. Acknowledge where you are in the world. Take stock of your life. Recognize your gifts. Offer up your challenges to the miraculous. Make an offering in gratitude.

The wind counseled a soft shift into October. Take time to pause, to breathe and to honor the new season. Enjoy the fall flowers and the moderate weather. Savor the season. For the first half of the month, celebrate changing colors and autumn’s bounty.

The second half of October brings a push of energy as many retrograde planets move forward. The pause becomes a perceivable thrust onward. This creates a bit of chaos like many strong personalities trying to talk over each other. Whatever has been suspended or contemplated, now calls for attention and action. This tension will rise and fall for the rest of the year.

October Numerology

Traditional Numerology ~ #6 Responsibility

Harmony. Balance. Beauty. Devotion. It is time to take responsibility for your life. Harmonize the contradictions and release what does not serve. Create a life that you love. Devote yourself to a good cause.

Tantric Numerology ~ 6th Energy Body ~ Arc Line

The Arc Line is the halo around the head and is the nucleus of the aura. It is connected to the 6th Chakra and the pituitary gland. It nourishes your nervous and glandular systems. Keep it clean and clear as it is a potent manifestor. At this time, it is especially important to be conscious of your thoughts, dreams, visualizations and meditations.

Kabbalistic Numerology ~ #6 Tiferet

Your true power comes from your heart center. This time calls for heart-centered living. As the seat of the soul, this sacred center is connected to the Infinite Source of all life. Do whatever you need to do to keep your heart healthy, happy and full of life.

Tarot Archetype ~ #15 Devil

Physical Temptations & Distractions. Avoid Blame. Take Responsibility. Life may bring inconvenience and interruptions. Do not get drawn into drama. Avoid blame. Take appropriate responsibility for what you are contributing to the world. Make a conscious choice to be part of the solution.

Astrology Highlights for October

Oct 6th ~ New Moon in Libra. A time for beginnings that balance and harmonize your life.

Oct 6th ~ Pluto in Capricorn goes direct bringing a forward flow of regeneration and transformation.

Oct 10th ~ Saturn station direct in Aquarius inspiring upgrades and updates in our structures.

Oct 18th ~ Mars in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius create an opportunity to really feel the energy activating in the world.

Oct 18th ~  Jupiter in Aquarius goes direct

Oct 19th ~  Mercury goes direct

Oct 20th  ~Full Moon in Aries with a T-square of the Sun, Mars and Pluto providing insight into the complexity of life. The Aries New Moon of the spring nows comes into fullness. What spring plantings are being harvested at this time?

Oct 22nd ~  Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. This tension highlights all the challenges and imperfections in our world.

This is a good month to ground and stay centered in your heart. Attend to what has meaning. Forgive all of the mistakes - yours and others. Keep your energy focused the good.

All the best for October 2021!

In Peace... ~Robin

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