Robin Whitaker
We are so much more than we believe or perceive ourselves to be.
Guided Meditation and Journeywork are soul explorations that offer extraordinary insights on the path and purpose of our soul. They provide insight into the relevance of the soul's growth, healing and evolution in this lifetime.
Through this work, we have an opportunity to explore the meaning of our life experiences - the joys and the sorrows; the gifts and challenges.
Guided Meditation and Journeywork demonstrate that we are spiritual beings experiencing a physical life. It opens us to the beauty and bounty of spiritual blessings that are ever present, ever aware and ever available to us.
Through this work, we are able to more consciously understand the meaning in and of our lives. From this illumined perspective, we are gratefully humbled by this gift that is life.

Guided Meditation
~ Healing Explorations of the Soul ~
Create Dynamic Change​
To release negative subconscious programming that is beyond one's conscious control so that we may then encode affirmative intentions that will create positive potentialities. This process is useful for goal actualization to include weight loss, habit cessation, productivity, creativity and specific goal activation.
Activate your Healing Potential
To connect with the wisdom within and activate your innate healing potential to relieve stress, harmonize your hormones, and generate renewal and rejuvenation at the cellular level.
Access Soul Wisdom, Path & Purpose
To understand the soul significance of the gifts, opportunities and challenges that are present in your life. Clear and forgive your Karma and to expand into your true Dharma for this lifetime. You will be inspired and empowered to explore, experience and re-align your path with a more conscious intent.
Connect with Your Spiritual Supporters
To connect with your Spiritual Supporters to include the Ancestors of your Spirit (The Beings of Light), the Ancestors of your soul (Teachers, Healers & Allies), the Ancestors of your DNA (Those who have gone before you) and the Earth (Animals, Plants, and Nature Spirits).
Open to the Blessings of the Infinite
Reconnect and align with the grace and blessing of the Infinite Grace with the assistance of your Guides, Healers, Teachers and the Beings of Light from all levels of Creation.
Explore Your Past Lives
To better understand meaning and significance of the people and patterns impacting this lifetime. This process deepens your soulfulness and brings peace and clarity.
This work is available in private consultations and in workshops. Both methods create the opportunity for a very deep level of insight and understanding into the soul's intention within your life, your work, your relationships and your actualization.
Blessed be the Journey!
Click for more information.
Turn your wounds into wisdom.
-Ophah Winfrey
Book Your Appointment
1 hr
150 US dollars