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Prayers to support your Journey


Prayers to support your Journey

Prayers & quotations

Here are some of my favorite and much used prayers, invocations and quotations. They have been there for me when I needed them.


May they be of use to you also.


O hidden Life, vibrant in every atom, 

O hidden Light, embracing all in oneness,

May all who feel themselves as one with thee

Know they are therefore one with every other. 


~Annie Besant 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, 

Where there is hatred, let me sow love; 

Where this is injury, pardon;  

Where there is doubt, faith; 

Where there is despair, hope; 

Where there is darkness, light; 

Where there is sadness, joy. 


O Divine Master, grant that I may 

not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; 

To be understood, as to understand; 

To be loved, as to love. 

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


-Saint Francis of Assisi 

When each day is sacred  

When each hour is sacred 

When each instant is sacred 

Earth and you 

Space and you 

Bearing the sacred through time 

You”ll reach the fields of light. 


Sheba’s Hesitation 

By Rumi 


Lovers of God, sometimes a door opens 

and a human being becomes a way 

for grace to come through. 


I see various herbs in the kitchen garden, each with its own bed, garlic, capers, saffron, and basil, each watered differently to help it mature. 


We keep the delicate ones separate from the turnips, but there’s room for all in this unseen world, so vast that the Arabian desert gets lost in it like a single hair in the ocean. 


Imagine that you are Sheba trying to decide whether to go to Solomon! You’re haggling about how much to pay for shoeing a donkey, when you could be seated with the one who is always in union with God, 

who carries a beautiful garden inside himself. 


You could be moving in a circuit without wing, nourished without eating, sovereign without a throne. 

No longer subject to fortune, you could be luck itself, 


if you would rise from sleep, leave 

the market arguing, and learn that 

your own essence is your wealth. 

We look with uncertainty 

Beyond the old choices for 

Clear-cut answers 

To a softer, more permeable aliveness 

Which is every moment 

At the brink of death; 

For something new is being born in us 

If we but let it. 

We stand at a new doorway. 

Awaiting that which comes… 

Daring to be human creatures. 

Vulnerable to the beauty of existence. 

Learning to love. 

-Anne Hillman 

Lakota Prayer 


Great Mystery, 
teach me how to trust 
my heart, 
my mind, 
my intuition, 
my inner knowing, 
the senses of my body, 
the blessings of my spirit. 
Teach me to trust these things 
so that I may enter my Sacred Space 
and love beyond my fear, 
and thus Walk in Balance 
with the passing of each glorious Sun. 

Mother Earth Prayer 


of air and fire, 
to weave desire 
into everything we do; 
make our hearts true. 
be our needle 
of stone and earth, 
in us 
a reconnection 
to the land beneath our feet; 
make us complete. 
be our bridge 
of woods and watery 
teach us 
equality through empathy 
for all living creatures grand or lowly; 
all life is holy. 
be our balance 


- Michelle Frost - 19 February 2011 

i thank You God for most this amazing 
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes 


(i who have died am alive again today, 
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth) 


how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any–lifted from the no 
of all nothing–human merely being 
doubt unimaginable You? 


(now the ears of my ears awake and 
now the eyes of my eyes are opened) 


e.e. cummings 

Each day I recommit myself to the almighty power of universal love and the evolutionary life force of which I am a small part.  I will always be guided by this source of my eternal being and will walk in faith and hope for life on this earth and always seek those who share this knowing as my companions in love and light.  I balance my energy in joy and in serving my highest purpose – my universal self. 

-Hazel Henderson 

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.  He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul.  He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and staff, they comfort me.  Thou preparest a table before me I in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

--Psalm 23-1 

Enough.  These few words are enough. 

If not these words, this breath. 

If not this breath, this sitting here. 


This opening to the life 

we have refused 

again and again 

until now. 


Until now. 


-- David Whyte 

One day you finally knew 

what you had to do, and began, 

though the voices around you 

kept shouting 

their bad advice— 

though the whole house 

began to tremble 

and you felt the old tug 

at your ankles. 

“Mend my life!” 

each voice cried. 

But you didn’t stop. 

You knew what you had to do, 

though the wind pried 

with its stiff fingers 

at the very foundations – 

though their melancholy was terrible. 

It was already late 

Enough, and a wild night, 

and the road full of fallen 

branches and stones.   

But little by little, 

as you left their voices behind, 

the stars began to burn 

through the sheets of clouds, 

and there was a new voice, 

which you slowly 

recognized as you own, 

that kept you company 

as you strode deeper and deeper 

into the world 

determined to do 

the only thing that you could do – 

determined to save 

the only life you could save. 

-Mary Oliver 

Let nothing disturb you, 

Let nothing frighten you; 

All things are passing; 

God never changes; 

Patient endurance 

Obtains all things; 

Who God possess 

In nothing is wanting; 

God alone suffices. 

-Teresa of Avila 

Adorable Presence! 

Thou who art within and without 

above and below and all around; 

Thou who art interpenetrating 

the very cells of our being— 

Thou who art the Eye of our eyes, 

the Ear of our ears, 

the Heart of our hearts, 

the Mind of our minds, 

the Breath of our breaths, 

the Life of our lives, 

and the Soul of our souls. 

Bless us Dear God, 

to be aware of Thy Presence 

Now and Here. 

This is all that we ask of Thee; 

May all be aware of Thy Presence in 

the East and the West, 

and the North and the South. 

May Peace and Goodwill abide 

among individuals as well as among 

communities and nations. 

This is our Earnest Prayer. 

May Peace be unto All 

Om Shanti! Peace! Shalom! 

-Swami Omkar 

Do not fear the truth,  

hard as it may appear,  

grievously as it may hurt,  

it is still right  

and you were born for it.   

If you go out to meet  

and love it,  

let is exercise your mind,  

it is your best friend  

and closest sister. 

-Dom Helder Camara 

“The Desert is Fertile” 

We join with the Earth and with each other, 

to bring new life to the land,  

to recreate the human community, 

to provide justice and peace, 

to remember our children, 

to remember who we are... 

We join together as many and diverse expressions 

of one loving mystery, 

for the healing of the Earth 

and the renewal of all Life. 

--Pat Crane 

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Rev. Robin Whitaker
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