Imbolc Blessings
Hello! Happy half-way point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In the Celtic tradition, imbolc translates as “in the belly”. We are all “pregnant with possibilities” during this time of year. During the last weeks of winter, we need to plan and prepare for the spring.
There is much talk in astrology of the changes coming with several significant planetary shifts occurring in March and beyond. What can we do to prepare for the necessary transformational shifts that may be initiated this spring?
We need to care for our sacred embodiment. We are all here for a reason. YOU are here for a reason.
I am choosing to see the shifting energy as gifts. Saturn entering Pisces will stabilize and activate a sincere dedication to our souls and our spirituality. Pluto will visit Aquarius for a few months giving everyone an energy system upgrade, our thinking will be revolutionized and technology is expected to take some major leaps forward. This visit initiates a new Pluto cycle that will last over twenty years. Venus will join with the North Node in Taurus to deepen our awareness of this beautiful planet and re-enforce our mission for being on this earth at this time. This is a good time to clarify your soul values and purpose.
No matter what shifts may be coming, our souls have come here to experience this time when extraordinary growth and transformation is possible.
In response to this energy, I feel called to offer a weekly practice to support your sacred embodiment and to empower your preparedness for whatever is springing forward in your life.
The Kundalini Yoga & Meditation class that I offer on Fridays at 10am at Sanctuary is potent and productive as it addresses the body, the emotions (with the glandular and nervous systems), the mind, the soul and the spirit. It offers a total system reboot every week.
Beyond my in-person class, I am feeling called to create an online offering on Sunday mornings.
We will start this Sunday at 9am for one hour. We will do a short yoga practice to warm the spine and activate the energy followed by a meditation. The remaining time is an opportunity for us to tune-in and set the intention for the week. We will seal the practice with a closing blessing.
Please let me know if you are interested with an email. This weekly offering will be FREE and it will be LIVE on zoom. I will post the link on my website sometime this week.
Many Blessings on your journey from winter to spring.