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It is my intention to expand and evolve soul awareness and inspire spiritual consciousness. ​

​My work comes from a deep spirituality; a dedication to ever-evolving my knowledge, wisdom and sacred consciousness; and a call to share the gifts that continue to grow and expand after years of sincere dedication and discipline.   I draw upon a variety of wisdom traditions and esoteric teachings to expand the experience of the Sacred in ways that inspire healing and wholeness, expand consciousness and encourage one's self-actualization in this lifetime.

It is my mission to illuminate the soul -with its meaning, beauty, wisdom and transformative power; to encourage body-mind-soul and spiritual harmony for healing and optimum living; and to advance your co- creative connection to the Infinite for the coherent manifestation of your sacred potential.

Click on the link for more information.  Available In-Person at Sanctuary Yoga.

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Classes & Workshops



 Sanctuary Yoga


1919 Strearns Avenue

Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 

(Proprietor: Veronique Jewell) 





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When we select for observation a limited area of our activities, our individual failures and miseries loom large in our minds; but our life leads us instinctively to take a wider view.  It gives us an ideal of perfection which ever carries us beyond our present limitations.  Within us we have a hope which always walks in front of our present narrow experience; it is the undying faith in the infinite in us; it will never accept our disabilities as a permanent fact; it sets no limit to its own scope; it dares to assert that man has oneness with God; and its wild dreams become true everyday.

We see truth when we set our mind towards the infinite.  The ideal of truth is not in the narrow present, not in our immediate sensations, but in the consciousness of the whole which gives us a taste of what we *should* have in what we *do* have.

--Rabindranath Tagore, in Sadhana

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