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Attuning 2024

A sacred practice to bless the year ahead.

  • From 100 US dollars
  • Sanctuary Yoga

Service Description

Tuning In is a tool to activate and bless your best in the new year. How can we step into our power and activate our best intentions in such a complicated and chaotic world? This year, we will utilize the Healing Formula to bring forth our best in 2024. The first step to all healing is to sincerely acknowledge the situation. Therefore, we begin this year with our eyes wide open. How do we see true and keep our hearts open? The healing formula guides us to acknowledge, to forgive, to bless a higher possibility and to be grateful (and believe in) this higher potentiality. Tuning In is an explorative and activating process. We will explore the current astrological and numerological information, utilize meditation, and an intentional affirmation and actualization practice. We will study the various energies that are active internally and externally, in our life and in the world. Afterall, we must know what we need to know so that we can do what we need to do. Tarot will serve as gateway between this world and the higher consciousness. Divination with tarot creates an opening to connect to our Higher Self, our Spiritual Supporters and/or the Luminaries informing our path. The tarot quest is meant to offer insight to best navigate our pathway. The esoteric insights of tarot, numerology and astrology create a clarity that can empower the next step on the healing (and transformational) pathway. This process can inspire a right use of the energies contained with our bodies, emotions, minds, souls and spirit. Once we acknowledge what is, we can “forgive away” what does not serve our great good. Forgiveness empowers a release and a clearing that produces a space for the grace of new possibilities. What new possibilities are you intending to actualize this year? In the opening created by forgiveness, there is now an opportunity to make manifest your hopes, dreams, and wonderments. This sacred process is a container for you to excavate your intentions and bless them with positive affirmations for 2024. Together, we will witness and bless our best intentions and activate the building blocks (energy forming as sacred geometry) that leads to the manifestation of the mandala (the physical form) of our best intentions for 2024. With faith and light, let us begin the journey. Robin Registration is required. Space is limited.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

If possible, please give a 24 hour notice for cancelled and rescheduled appointment. Thank you.

Contact Details

  • + (269)377-1304

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