If the world seems devoid of magic, maybe it is because capitalism keeps us under a neurobiological enchantment that prevents us from sensing the presence and movement of the numinous. If the gods and the ancestors and the forest seem silent, perhaps it is because our fear has moved us out of our bodies, separating us from the capacity to hear them. When we reclaim our bodies as our own, we break the spell cast on us. And as our wild spirits become embodied again, we again feel the touch of the human and the other than human worlds, the return of connection that gives rise to solidarity which animates community, making it possible to bring new worlds into being.
-Sean Donahue
In numerology, this is a 9 year. My write up in below. Let me just say that for me, I am choosing to tap into the energy of the Tree of Life. The 9th sefirot is Yesod. It is a birthing canal and it is creating an opportunity for us to create our lives anew. This year will ask us to access our most transformative power and presence. We are being awakened to a new level of possibility.
The breezes at dawn have secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.
2025 is an extraordinay year astrologically. I will write about that in my next post. At this time, Mars, the planet of action, is retrograde. This is the year to take things s l o w l y. Take your time with your intentions. Give yourself a couple of months to dream and wonder.
In out-of-the-way places of the heart, where your thoughts never think to wander, this beginning has been quietly forming, Waiting until you were ready to emerge. Though your destination is not yet clear, you can trust the promise of this opening. Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning that which is at one with your life's desire.
-John O’Donohue
This is a year of completions and new beginnings; of taking two steps forward and two steps back (yes, two). It is a begin, stop, start again or start over completely again and again.
Many blessings of grace abd goodness for 2025!
For years, every morning, I drank from Blackwater Pond. It was flavored with oak leaves and also, no doubt, the feet of ducks. And always it assuaged me from the dry bowl of the very far past. What I want to say is that the past is the past, and the present is what your life is, and you are capable of choosing what that will be, darling citizen. So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, put your lips to the world. And live your life.
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life: #9 Yesod ~ Foundation
The ninth path is called “Pure Consciousness”. It purifies each of the sefirot; tests and corrects their design, and unifies them with its essence, so that they may not be destroyed or divided. -Sefer Yetzirah
Yesod is the 9th sefirot on the journey from Keter, the Limitless Light of Consciousness (I am that I am) to the creative manifestation that occurs in Malkhut (Earth and the physical world).
Yesod holds the etheric blueprint for all that may be manifest. However, not everything that is dreamed, imagined, intended or envisioned will come into physical form. Yesod is a portal for birth. It also tests the imaginational potential on the journey to physical manifestation. Yesod holds an instinctive primal energy that longs for actualization. It is the gateway that tests our dreams and quantifies our intentions. This year holds extraordinary opportunities to manifest. However, Yesod will test the sincerity, dedication and discipline that we have to achieve our dreams.
Tarot’s Archetypal Energy ~#9 Hermit
The ninth major arcana of tarot holds the archetypal power of the Hermit.
The Hebrew letter assigned to the Hermit is “Yod” (pronounced yode) which translates as “creative hand”. This is the hand of God. The Hermit is a call to take time alone and to seek wise counsel as symbolized the solitary man holding the lantern. Yod also invites us to understand that we have the wisdom and power (light) in our own hands.
The astrology associated with the Hermit is Virgo. This earth sign invites us to ground ourselves in the quiet wisdom of nature and choose a path of integrity.
The Hermit year is an introspective journey within to re-ignite our inner fire of wisdom, power and purpose so that we may shine our light in the world. This year, we have an opportunity to create our lives anew.
This is a time of completion, graduation, gestation and transformation. Activate your humanitarian heart. We will be going through a period of endings, beginnings, loss, separations and shifts. The best path is to surrender, forgive, release what no longer serves, have compassion for yourself and others, and serve where you are called.
Tantric numerology is based upon the ten energy bodies which is comprised of the physical body, six energetic bodies and three mental bodies. The Subtle Body is an aspect of the Eternal Self, and it is not bound by time and space. It is the body of ascension that transports the soul after physical death. This body holds the power of multidimensional awareness, inspired creativity and manifestation.
This is the year to develop your intuitive insight. To clarify and improve your intuition, ground and harmonize your life with meditation and a dedicated daily spiritual practice.