There is so much that I want to share with you. I understand that there is much happening in the lives of so many people, near and far, that is creating stress, anxiety, and fear. It is time to draw upon the good, the supportive, the inspiring and the healing.
In 2001, as an ordained interfaith minister, I wrote a Peace Prayer every Sunday and emailed it out to my clients and friends. I continued that practice for many years. It was a small way to hold peace and positivity in a troubled world.
It is my opinion that the challenges that we now face are much more intense than anything that we have experienced collectively in our lifetimes thus far. It is also important to note that there are many people who have faced, or are facing, great personal challenges at the same time.
Several years ago, I was challenged with a great personal heartbreak. It was really the first time in my life when I did not know what I was going to do to make it through. I had done everything that I could possibly do, and it did not change the situation. It was during this dark time that I started doing kundalini yoga every day. I do not know where the inspiration came from. There was no sign that said, “Do this, it will save you”. I was guided by spiritual instinct that propelled me forward. Each day, I sat in front of my tablet and did the practice. Sometimes the kriya (exercise) or meditation would break me open and I could only sob the pain away. When the sorrow and rage would pour out of me, it was transformed into forgiveness and peace. My broken heart was split wide open and filled with a Grace that took hold in my life. I had always considered myself blessed and this was a considerable upgrade.
I am also immensely grateful for the miracles that have unfolded in my life since that time. The experience strengthened me and prepared me for the times that lie ahead. Becoming a Kundalini Yoga Teacher is a natural response to the amazing benefits that I have received from the practice. I have many good tools in my toolbox – intuition, astrology, numerology, tarot, tapping, shamanic practice and energy therapy. Kundalini Yoga is energy work in a potent and powerful form. It supports everything that I do. Most importantly, it keeps my channel clear for the greater work.
Beginning on March 25th, I will begin offering Kundalini Yoga and Meditationclasses at Sanctuary Yoga. (Click on the highlighted text to find out more.) Please understand that I am not skinny or flexible or strong. I do yoga because I am NOT those things. My superpower lies only in the call to share this practice that has blessed my life in so many ways.
Please know that it is never too late to attend the Free Morning Meditation. It is such a lovely way to start the day. (Click on the link for more information.) I intend to continue the meditation until until Easter.
It has been years since I have held space for an in-person class or message circle. This Sunday, we will welcome spring. A new beginning is upon us. I have decided to offer an in-person Peace, Meditation and Message Circle at Sanctuary Yoga. (Click on link to register). I am looking forward to seeing your faces.
May you know that you are held and supported. During such unprecedented times, the Ancestors and the Spiritual Supporters are standing near and strong. They are holding the highest intention for each of us. There is hope. It does require our participation and a willingness to contribute in whatever way that we can to the great good. If you can surrender each day to Grace, to Faith, to Hope. It will contribute to the manifestation of healing and peace on Earth. If you are able to generate positive energy that blesses and supports – even better.
Please know that I am here. I am opening to new ways to serve and support. Please let me know how I may better support you.