We have shifted into the Age of Aquarius. Wisdom teachings state that we are shifting from the time of knowledge into the time of experience.
This means that practice is non-negotiable. There is no instant fix, no magical cure, no knowledge that is useful if it does not become personal experience through a dedicated practice. If you want to become a master, you must become a devoted practitioner.
You must do the work. I consider being a practitioner a sacred dedication. It is also a professional obligation if I am sharing my work with the world.
First and foremost, I am an Energy Therapist – I read energy, I guide energy, I teach energy and I share energy wisdom. In order to do this on any level, I must have hours and hours (days, months, years) of personal hands-on experience from my personal practice and my professional time with clients.
You cannot give to another that which you do not possess yourself. I cannot give you $5 if I do not have $5. It is not woo-woo. It is practical and actual.
I cannot read a book or listen a podcast about five dollars and then give you five dollars. I need to personally generate that money. We generate our actual experience through the hours that we put into our practice. There are no shortcuts.
For this newsletter, in preparation for the Autumn Equinox, I was going to include several of my 40-day disciplines. I became so excited about sharing some of my favorite practices that I decided to add a new link to my website. You can find my new link, Tools, and explore my favorite practices. I share these with you in the hope that they may support your journey as they have supported mine.
I LOVE to do 40-day (or more) practices. There is always reward and a measurable outcome. Over the years, I have completed many long-term practices, meditations and mantras that have changed my life.
Many spiritual traditions utilize the 40-day discipline. It is a time of being tested like Jesus was in the desert. The 40-day time frame is said to create a new habit.
When we utilize mantra meditation, there is an opportunity to generate transformational benefits while simultaneously supporting our desired intention.
Dr. Mark Hyman, a Functional Medicine Physician, shared how four “exercises” can positively affect the variable heart rate and the vagus nerve, which are connected to stress regulation. The exercises were 1. Controlled Breathing 2. Singing, Humming & Chanting, 3. Metta Meditation and 4. Touch. If you have attended one of my Kundalini Yoga & Meditation classes, you know that we have this covered!
As our world continues to become more complex and stressful, it is important to have practices that we can count on in times of crisis.
It is my intention, and my honor, to offer gatherings that are healing, inspirational and transformational. Our time is precious, and I endeavor to make the most of our time together. I research and practice the yoga and mantras that I share daily.
Recently, in my work with clients, I have observed some very concerning energy blockages. Through this work, I came to see that those who are avid explorers of pop culture can experience energy "traps". I am so concerned by this that I decided to write about it. I sincerely believe that everyone is meant to know what is true, what is beneficial and what is safe.
However, we are highly vibrational and and the energy on this planet is intensifing at an astounding rate. This is increasing our susceptibility to inappropriate, dangerous and poorly trained influences. A good social media presentation does not mean that you are viewing a qualified professional.
Please know that I am always properly prepared, a dedicated practitioner and an experienced proficient professional. I have been doing guided meditation, spiritual development, and energy therapy full time, professionally for over twenty years. This is not a gig and I am not a dabbler.
Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Every session, regardless of focus, will support the evolutionary development of your instincts (physical, emotional & mental safety awareness), intuition (soul to soul awareness) and inspired insight (instinct and intuition seen through the clarified lens of a 3rd eye that is connected to higher wisdom). I use this to maintain my personal and professional energy integrity.
I share it because it is one of the best ways to stay healthy, clear, conscious, connected, and happy.
There are several opportunities for us to connect in the coming weeks. Please know that you are always welcome. I do request that you obstain from substances that would alter your awareness during our time together. This is for your safety and necessary to respect the sanctity of the experience.
Here is what I am offering in the coming weeks. You can click on the links to learn more and to sign up. I hope to see you soon.
Fridays at Sanctuary
9/22 – Stress Set for the Kidneys and Adrenals.
9/29 – Reset for the Nervous System
Saturday, September 23rd
A yoga, meditation and journeywork experience.
Sunday, October 1st
Past Life Explorations
Many blessings for your seasonal shift from summer to autumn.
With love and light,
