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Writer's pictureRobin Whitaker

Transform your Relationships by Creating Conscious Contracts

Is it time to update the agreements and contracts

that dictate your life?

How many of your contracts with people, places, things and events were consciously created? Most of us are living with contracts and agreements that were unconsciously created.

We enter into unconscious agreements and contracts all of the time. Some are generated by our subconscious mind in the heat of the moment. Others are adaptive to our specific circumstances based upon our beliefs, history and habits. Most concerning are those agreements have been intentionally created and forced upon us by individuals, events, society or organizational systems without our conscious awareness.

It the hustle of our busy lives, it is common for us to accept our agreements and contracts – even when they are dysfunctional and unhealthy. The agreements that we have with our external world create individuated blueprints that our relationships follow. When we choose to consciously create our agreements and contracts, we are able to completely transform our relationships and life experiences.

We have unconscious external agreements and we have unconscious internal contracts. In order to function as human beings, we have established agreements with our body, our emotions, our mind, our soul and our spirit. Some of these agreements are conscious. Most of our internal agreements and contacts are unconscious. These contracts may have been created when we were children or during times of stress. The unconscious agreements become hardwired into our subconscious. They become the habits and patterns that we live our lives by. Truly, because of the scope of their influence, there is no limit to what may be possible when we rewrite the contracts that we have with the many levels of our Being.

In healing circles, many of us have heard of the practice of “cutting cords” and burning contacts. These are ancient practices that were used in many cultures by medicine people and shamans and they have been adapted by new age healers and pop psychology.

The act of cutting or burning has violent connotations with seemingly permanent effects. As such, the practice of burning contracts is often used exclusively for our enemies or for those who have traumatized us in some way. As such, a vital aspect of changing our contracts has been lost in the modern day translation. The process of consciously creating meaningful and intentional contracts is a most sacred act.

The act of creating conscious and meaningful contracts can free you from fear, pain, guilt, grief and inappropriate expectations. In this process, you thoughtfully and intentionally clear and release every aspect of the agreement that is harmful to you and to the “other”. Once the energy is cleared, a space for grace is created. You now have an opportunity to positively affirm a new possibility that will bless (and heal) everyone involved in the contract.

The method of clearing outmoded contracts and recreating functional contracts is much more than an intellectual exercise. This is a sacred ceremony of the soul in communion with the Infinite Grace.

When the Contract Changing Ceremony is practiced, we call upon the Infinite Grace to guide, to clear, to bless and to inform. We always honor and respect those who are connected to the contract. We are rewriting our agreement and releasing any drama and trauma embedded in the old contract. We do not force our will upon others. We call upon the Grace of the Infinite to empower us so that we may know what we need to know so that we can do what we need to do in order to recreate a contract that is a blessing to all. Grace guides us to the clear away and forgive the old contract. We are then inspired by Grace to consciously create a wise, loving and transformation contact.

I invite you to change your contracts and transform your life.

  • To begin, create sacred space and center yourself by aligning your mind, your heart and your emotions with the Infinite.

  • Breathe your awareness into the contract and begin with the release. Listen. Attend to what calls. Breathe deeply. Call upon the energy of the Infinite to purify what is outmoded, unreal and untrue. Allow the Infinite Grace to gently “burn” away and purify the old contract.

  • You may find that there is much more than you originally considered to the contract as old memories and ancient traumas come to the surface. Feed the sacred fire with all that is ready to be released. This is an act of deep forgiveness. The “sacred fire” blesses as it purifies. It is healing, transformative and regenerative.

  • When the contract is completely purified, give yourself time to be with the empty spaciousness of the new reality. Breathe and allow Grace to guide you as you carefully consider what you want for the new contract.

  • Breathe in a blessing for the new contract from the Infinite Grace. Utilize affirmative statements to activate the positive potential as you create an agreement that is conscious, meaningful and a blessing to everyone connected to the contract.

  • Seal the new contract with a heartfelt gratitude to the Infinite and to all Beings connected to the contract.

It is my sincere hope that this work will inspire many transformations in your life. The act of creating conscious contracts will transform impossibilities into positive possibilities. Please let me know if I can guide you in a Contract Changing Ceremony. This can be done in person and by telephone.

Many Blessings to you always… ~Robin

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