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Key Activations


Kundalini Energy Yogic Activations

An Energy Attunement Intensive

The times are calling for us to step into higher vibrational living.


This transformative energy intensive will heal the past, bless the present and expand your future with positive potential.


This can be a truly life-changing experience.


We will utilize kundalini yogic kriyas, conscious breathwork, guided meditative journeywork and energy initiations, attunements, and blessings to awaken new levels of BEing.


The yoga and energy activations will attune you to the wisdom of your soul, empower a clearing, healing and transformation of your soul’s karma and create a magnetism for new opportunities to open and unfold in your life.



Investment:  $111.00


No experience necessary.  Please dress in loose, comfortable clothing.  Bring a yoga mat, a water bottle, and a journal.




To prepare, please eat a clean vegetarian or vegan diet.  It is best to avoid artificial ingredients, preservatives, alcohol, caffeine, and drugs. These guidelines should be followed for 3 days prior and 3 days after the activations.



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